Tolleson Union
High School

Excellence in Teaching and Learning for All

Four Marine Corp Jr. RTOC students holding flags on the football field

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Tolleson provide bus transportation for students?

We do provide bus transportation for our students, though we consider it a privilege and not a right. In order to ride the bus, students must obey all bus rider safety rules and provide the driver with an atmosphere that will allow him or her to direct full attention to safe driving.

To ensure that the district accomplishes its objective of providing safe and efficient transportation of students to and from school, the following rules for bus passengers have been adopted by the Transportation Department:

  • Observe classroom conduct
  • Be courteous; use no profane language
  • Do not eat or drink on bus (except water)
  • Keep the bus clean
  • Cooperate with the driver
  • Do not smoke
  • Do not damage bus or equipment
  • Stay in your seat
  • Keep head, hands, and feet inside bus
  • Do not fight, push, or shove
  • Do not tamper with bus equipment
  • Do not bring pets on bus
  • Do not bring flammable material on the bus
  • The driver is authorized to assign seats
  • Have a safe trip

For more information regarding bus transportation, please see the Student Procedures Handbook.

What is Tolleson’s attendance policy?

Daily attendance and punctuality are of the utmost importance in order to assure student success in school. We expect students to take responsibility for attending all of their classes on time. If your child must be absent, please contact the attendance clerk at 623-478-4223. Parents must provide the following when calling the school to report a student absent:

  • Student name
  • Student identification number
  • Day(s) absent
  • Reason for the absence
  • Address/phone number where we can reach the parent if needed
What if my child must take medication during school hours?

Parents must submit paperwork to the school office giving permission for the student to receive medication. Please bring prescription medication in its original container as prepared by the pharmacist with the proper labeling. Bring over-the-counter medication in its original packaging with all the directions, dosages, compound contents, and proportions clearly marked.

Does Tolleson Union allow electronic devices on campus?

In order to prevent classroom disruptions, students may not use the following items on Tolleson campus: iPods, MP3 players, music devices, beepers or phone devices, electronic gaming devices, and laser pointers.

What if my son or daughter wishes to transfer or withdraw from a class?

All students wishing to transfer a class must complete the request to transfer by the second week of the semester unless the reason for the request is based upon inappropriate placement.

A student may withdraw from a class without penalty through the end of the second week of the semester. After the second week, a student must have a passing grade in order to withdraw without penalty. A student who withdraws with a failing grade will have a grade of F on the permanent transcripts.

How do students qualify for Honor Roll?

A student qualifies for Honor Roll with a GPA of 3.0 or better for all graded classes and no grades of “F” or “I.”